Welcome to your Content Categories page.

OneUp stores all of your updates online in a category-based library, where they remain even after they’ve been posted once.

OneUp allows you to create as many update categories as you’d like in order to organize your library of posts, allowing you to customize your schedule based on when you’d like to share different types of content.

How do categories work?

OneUp’s social media management system is based on categories, so that you can choose what types of updates are posted at which times. On this page, you edit the categories that you will use for your own social media accounts.

How do I create a new category?

Click the “Add New Category” button to create a new category. You may also use the pencil icon next to any given category to change its name without affecting its contents.


How many categories can I create?

You can create as many categories as you want. The more specific your categories, the more control you have over what types of updates get published at which times.

How do I see the updates I have saved under a given category?

Visit the Library to see the updates you’ve uploaded to OneUp. In the Library, you can filter updates by category to make them easier to sort through.

How do I delete a category?

Go to your Categories page and click on the 'X' button on the bottom right of the category you want to delete. 

Note: If you choose to delete a category that has posts attached to it, OneUp will delete all those posts from your library as well as remove all of the time slots for that category from your schedule.