In normal scheduling, you can use the Scheduler to view your scheduled messages, and even choose to view and manually repost selected archived updates.
With OneUp's Post Recycle, this all happens automatically - if/when you run out of new updates in any of your scheduled categories, OneUp will automatically refill your queue using previously-published updates saved in your online library. This gives those updates the opportunity to be seen by a new segment of your audience while also ensuring that your queue never runs dry and your social accounts never go quiet. And the best part is that you don’t have to remember to do it manually.
Why would you want to reuse posts?
It’s been estimated that the lifecycle of a social media update is short. VERY short in some cases - the half-life of a post is only about 24 minutes on Twitter and 90 minutes on Facebook, which doesn’t give your updates much time to find an audience. Repeating your best content means that it can reach as many fans as possible, while also ensuring that your evergreen content can be shared more than once without requiring you to continually write and upload new updates.