How to create a .CSV file to Upload Posts in Bulk:
In order to Upload Posts in Bulk, you need to enter the content you want to schedule into a spreadsheet. This is the fundamental piece that will allow you to schedule all of your posts ahead of time.
Note: You can create your spreadsheet for the Bulk Uploader with either Google SpreadSheets or Microsoft Excel. The only condition that you must comply with in all cases is that the file has to be saved under the .CSV format (if you fail to do so, the procedure will not work, so it’s important!).
Along those lines, the other key point to keep in mind so that your file works properly, it is to respect the format required by Postcron. This format requires 8 columns and is as follows:
As you can see in the image above, each of the 8 columns represents a piece of data that needs to be filled in, in order to schedule your posts. On the other hand, each row represents a post that will be scheduled according to the data you enter. So, if you fill in 100 rows, you’ve scheduled 100 posts.
Let’s take a step by step look at the process of creating your spreadsheet to Upload Posts in Bulk.
1- Create a .CSV file with 8 columns in Google SpreadSheets or Microsoft Excel. Each row of the spreadsheet represents one post.
The 8 columns must contain (from left to right) the following information:
a) The First column contains the message of your post (text only).
b) The Second column contains the year you want your post to be published.
c) The Third column contains the month you want your post to be published.
d) The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth columns contain the day, hour, and minute you want your post to be published.
e) The Seventh column contains the URL of the image you want to accompany your post.(If you want to create a post without image, you can leave this column empty.)
f) Finally, the Eighth column contains the URL of the link that your post will go to when users click on it. (If you want to create a post without link, you can leave this column empty.)
2. When you finish creating your file with all the posts you want to schedule and the times, save it in the .CSV format.
And then upload that CSV file to OneUp. Super Simple!
If you followed the steps carefully, you should have been able to schedule lots of posts all at once! If not, write us under the Help Support option.