You can create a spreadsheet of your posts and add updates to OneUp in bulk from your Library page.
To create your spreadsheet, we recommend using Google Sheets.
1- Create a spreadsheet file with 4 columns in Google SpreadSheets or Microsoft Excel. Each row of the spreadsheet represents one post.
2- Place all of your content, description in Column A.
3- Place the category you'd like each of your posts to be uploaded to in Column B. Categories should be entered in the spreadsheet exactly as they appear in OneUp (i.e., My Blog Posts instead of my blog posts).
4- The Third column contains the URL of the image you want to accompany your post. If you want to create a post without image, you can leave this column empty.
5- Finally, the Fourth column contains the URL of the link that your post will go to when users click on it. If you want to create a post without link, you can leave this column empty.
Export your spreadsheet as a .csv file with UTF-8 and import in OneUp:
If you'd like to view a sample spreadsheet, try this spreadsheet here
*Note - If the 2nd column of your spreadsheet contains categories that don't match any available categories currently in your OneUp account, it will be not added to your content.